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Sketchers Party 2024

The first Sketchers Party event this year is planned for Wednesday 12th June 24 from 19:00 (7pm) at The Four Bells Woodborough NG14 6DD. Meet in the car park.  It is intended to sketch until 20:30 (8.30) when we can hopefully retire to the pub to compare sketches.For more details and to book, please email: sketching@art4arnold.com

The current Sketchers Party was conceived on 12th July 2023 following pressure from some of our Wednesday members who were rather miffed that there were no Wednesday evening meets from the end of May until the beginning of September.

Having been in the Art Society for some years, I had seen many such sketching events, both on Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings.  Hoping to keep more or less to the same format, I decided to set up a Wednesday evening sketch group.  On that first Wednesday, seeing that no-one else was available, and the weather being somewhat dubious, I would go along to Gedling Country Park to do just that: sketch!  Feeling exceedingly isolated and in danger of getting a soaking, I managed half an hour getting a good bit of drawing in.

I posted the result via the AAS and managed to speak to another couple of people who were interested, set up a WhatsApp messaging service and communicated that I would be at Gedling Country Park the following week.  The following week, 2 members turned up – under a ‘rain or shine’ policy, and it blossomed from there finishing up the summer with 9 of us!

Now, the serious part.

In order to get this working, it needs every member of the Sketchers Group (whether you’re in it yet or not) to contact me via WhatsApp with your number and agree to join the group, where we can share thoughts and ideas to all.

Ideally, we need to increase numbers to the point where we can choose one site or several on any given day and ‘recruit’ sketchers to your venue. Some may wish to travel only to somewhere close to them, e.g. Gedling CP, Bestwood CP, Calverton, local villages such as Halam, Thurgaton, Edwalton, Lambley, Woodborough – the list is endless, but you get the picture.

This way, I see it that Arnold Art Society can bring back the spirit of the original members and have a really strong group.


If you are interested in joining the Sketchers Party 2024 please email: sketching@art4arnold.com


Sketchers Party 2023

The current Sketchers Party was conceived on 12th July 2023 following pressure from some of our Wednesday members who were rather miffed that there were no Wednesday evening meets from the end of May until the beginning of September.

Having been in the Art Society for some years, I had seen many such sketching events, both on Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings.  Hoping to keep more or less to the same format, I decided to set up a Wednesday evening sketch group.  On that first Wednesday, seeing that no-one else was available, and the weather being somewhat dubious, I would go along to Gedling Country Park to do just that: sketch!  Feeling exceedingly isolated and in danger of getting a soaking, I managed half an hour getting a good bit of drawing in.

I posted the result via the AAS and managed to speak to another couple of people who were interested, set up a WhatsApp messaging service and communicated that I would be at Gedling Country Park the following week.  The following week, 2 members turned up – under a ‘rain or shine’ policy, and it blossomed from there finishing up the summer with 9 of us!

Now, the serious part.

In order to get this working, it needs every member of the Sketchers Group (whether you’re in it yet or not) to contact me via WhatsApp with your number and agree to join the group, where we can share thoughts and ideas to all.

Ideally, we need to increase numbers to the point where we can choose one site or several on any given day and ‘recruit’ sketchers to your venue. Some may wish to travel only to somewhere close to them, e.g. Gedling CP, Bestwood CP, Calverton, local villages such as Halam, Thurgaton, Edwalton, Lambley, Woodborough – the list is endless, but you get the picture.

This way, I see it that Arnold Art Society can bring back the spirit of the original members and have a really strong group.


If you are interested in joining the Sketchers Party 2024 please email: sketching@art4arnold.com